EW: MCU map

This is one of the last things I worked on before leaving the weekly, and I was so happy to get to go out with an insanely intricate character map of my favorite thing: the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

EW writer Christian Holub sketched the initial skeleton for the map. I started it in InDesign and roughly blocked it out. Then we kept iterating and iterating, tightening up the design and arguing over the character relationships. Then-Senior Art Director Jennie Chang (my Marvel movie companion ‘til the end of the line) and I had the idea of sprinkling in little quotes and quips to add another layer, which was a lot of fun.

I spent roughly three entire workdays on this, but it was worth it for my Avengers, and a fitting farewell for my time at EW.

Design director: Tim Leong. Deputy Design Director: Keir Novesky. Senior Art Director: Jennie Chang. Photo Editor: Alison Wild. Senior Associate Art Director: Aaron Morales.


EW: X-Men